Monday, June 5, 2000
June 4 2000, at 5 p.m. I met at my office with Joanne, Serge, and Bruno Nadeau, who live in Sherbrooke, Quebec. They told me the following story, which I taped:
Around 2 p.m. today (4 June 2000) the lake (Memphremagog) was very calm; their boat was anchored off the shore in Sargent's Bay (where there are moorings) when suddenly they saw what seemed to them an immense wave travelling in front of them, in a East-West direction. (Jacques Boisvert reports that they likened the wave to the wake produced by a boat with a 20 h.p. motor.)
They said they saw a creature of approximately 75 feet long [which had] an immense head and tail.
When the head came out [of the water] and re-entered, they could see the tail -- this phenomenon was repeated 8-10 times.
The creature was brown and sleek, and moved rather quickly.
"[It had] the head of an ox"…half as big…similar to the head of a horse.
They could see [movement] over a distance of approximately 2000 feet.
"Nearby, there was a couple and when [I] shouted to them to look, the creature plunged and didn't return to the surface," said one of the witnesses.
These three people confirmed they saw this phenomenon during 2.5 to 3 minutes -
Sunday evening, May 7, 2000
This morning I met with a gentleman and his wife who saw Memphré on Friday May 5, 2000.
The sighting lasted a good five minutes in the Hermitage Bay [on Lake Memphremagog]. He had time to get out of his house…back into his house to get his binoculars…out of his house…then he shouted to his wife to come and see and finally both of them saw the creature -- A huge head of brownish color about six feet long.
This gentleman has been living there for over 30 years.
Then I stopped to see a friend a short distance from there who claimed that he and his wife saw a creature a week earlier -- April 28, 2000 -- at the same place where the gentleman saw it last Friday.
Last year in July we had a sighting at Eagle Point of a creature with a huge head. Less than week after, the neighbor saw the same phenomenon. Neither person had
talked to the other about it.
Jacques Boisvert
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